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What can and cannot be sold in the Russian Federation?

Russian market according to analyses carried out by diverse experts in this area is discovered to be quite difficult in different topics. First and foremost, we are recommended to remember that the conditions there in terms of political and economical sphere are pretty demanding. A good example of such a nation can be the Russian Federation where is necessary to posses the important gost certification to be able to make some deals with the region.


Autor: JaxStrong
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Russian market according to analyses carried out by diverse experts in this area is discovered to be quite difficult in different topics. First and foremost, we are recommended to remember that the conditions there in terms of political and economical sphere are pretty demanding. A good example of such a nation can be the Russian Federation where is necessary to posses the important gost certification to be able to make some deals with the region.


Autor: Barry Lewis
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com

Besides, they are not stable as Russia doesn’t belong to the most influential worldwide organizations. Hence, this country often leads an independent policy, which is mostly focused on the country itself. Even though so far there was no good advertisement for running a company in this country, we should not forget that this market has a significant potential.

First and foremost, it is related to the fact that regards Russian GOST we can develop our chances on the market, which is known to be one of those, which lacks competition the most (more of gost Russia). Therefore, if an enterprise manages to expand on it successfully, it can improve its revenues significantly. The document is a document that verifies that the goods meet the requirements set by the criteria of the Russian Federation.

The certification in Russia is simply similar to different certification like CE, ISO and TUV-DIM. As it can be noticed the record is rather long and do not create the person names of products which are not permitted to be sold in the Russian Federation. As a outcome, it is worth to start collaboration with the special companies which can supply you important details and do the report work for you! It is a certification for bulk manufacturing, but just for one year.

To get a certificate it is required: – product examining , the official documents from the business such as copies of the ISO 9000 accreditation. Here is no control of the experts from Russian Federation so the costs for obtaining the GOST certificate are reduced. This certificate is very alike to the certificate which is issued for 3 years, the just distinction is the time of validity.
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